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Become a Sponsor


Platinum Sponsor ($10,000 and above)

  • Prominent logo placement on all club materials (e.g., banners, posters, website, newsletters)
  • Dedicated social media posts and mentions
  • Acknowledgment and speaking opportunity at club events
  • Complimentary tickets to all club events
  • Logo on gear/apparel (i.e. Jackets, Coaches Vests)
  • Exclusive opportunity to host a workshop or event with the club
  • Corporate banners and displays at major club events

Gold Sponsor ($5,000 - $9,000)

  • Logo on club materials and event banners
  • Regular social media mentions
  • Recognition in newsletters and club communications
  • Complimentary tickets to select club events
  • Logo on gear/apparel (i.e. Jackets, Coaches Vests)
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional materials at events
  • Corporate banners at major club events

Silver Sponsor ($2,500 - $4,000)

  • Logo on event banners and website
  • Social media shout-outs
  • Recognition in club newsletters
  • Complimentary tickets to one club event
  • Logo on gear/apparel (i.e. Jackets, Coaches Vests)
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional materials at events

Bronze Sponsor ($500 - $2,000)

  • Name listed on event banners and website
  • Social media mentions
  • Recognition in club newsletters
  • Small logo on team uniforms

Friend of the Club ($100 - $400)

  • Name listed on website as a supporter
  • Recognition in club newsletters

Email Tait Strand ( or today to let us know you want to sponsor GPST!